Oftentimes, upgrading a major appliance, like the fridge, can place greater demand on the battery system of your RV, as was the case with this Sunliner motorhome which Lear uses for horse events and partner Jeff, for motorbiking adventures.
A Perth caravan repair company installed a new 190L Compressor fridge and two 170W solar panels but the battery system, consisting of two 97Ah lead calcium batteries, a 25A Projecta 240V Charger, a 20A Powertech PWM Solar Controller and a non-branded Voltage Sensing Relay (VSR) Dual Battery Controller was just way too small to keep up with the increased demand.

In need of a power upgrade, Lear and Jeff turned to us for an RV Lithium System solution, which we began by removing all components of the outdated system which were incompatible with Lithium Batteries - so now they're "GONESKI".
As with all our work and in compliance with the latest Australian Standards for Lithium Battery installations (AS/NZS3001.2.2011), we custom built a fully sealed enclosure which is vented to the outside through the side wall and contains a custom built 280Ah RV Lithium Systems Battery.
To display comprehensive battery information such as the battery state of charge as a percentage, current (amps) in or out of the battery, battery voltage, time to go until empty and full historical data on an LCD screen and smart device via a handy Victron App, we installed Victron's BMV-712 Smart Bluetooth Battery Monitor.
The monitor also wirelessly transmits accurate battery voltage and temperature to two new Victron 30A IP22 240V Chargers and three new Victron MPPT solar controllers to enable Synchronized Charging. This means all chargers and solar controllers talk to each other and form a fully linked system.
Synchronised Charging also allows the two Victron Bluetooth Blue Smart 30A IP22 240V battery chargers to act as one 60A charger.
After a necessary rewire of the existing two 170W solar panels, we linked one Victron Bluetooth Smart Solar 20A MPPT Solar Controller to those, and added two new 175W Victron Blue Solar Monocrystalline solar panels to the roof space, linked to another Victron Bluetooth Smart Solar 20A MPPT solar controller.
For the capability to boost solar capacity and take advantage of vehicle charging, we installed an RVLSA 600W DCDC Charger linked to the 30A Victron Smart Solar Controller to charge whilst driving, and the option to plug in an external portable Solar Panel via a Yellow Anderson Plug on the side of the motorhome.
We neatly mounted the chargers on a custom made board.
To guard against flattening and damaging the battery, we installed Victron's Smart Battery Protect 12/24V-100A, which links to the BMV-712 battery monitor and switches off the motorhome's power in the event of low Battery State Of Charge (SOC) or low Battery Voltage (LBV), until adequate charge has been put back in.
Whilst the Sunliner was getting some do-overs, we replaced the old telly with a 32 inch Axis Google Smart, 12-24volt AX1932GTV TV/DVD, which is essential (of course) for Jeff to watch the Supercross, Motocross and MXGP while Lear is out horse riding.
Taking advantage of an existing high mounted rear camera, we installed a Clip Over Mirror Rear Vision Monitor and a small night vision camera to view the tow ball when hitching up.
We're guessing Lear and Jeff will be finding their riding experiences a fair bit easier and more relaxing.
For an upgrade to boost your available power, contact us.